= = = EXAMPLES = = =

Each example consists of English text and an Iqglic translation. Click here to return to the main page.

The mouse eats.
Ðu maws yt.
Ðu maws yt.

The mouse is eating.
Ðu maws hen yt.
Ðu maws hen yt.

The mouse ate.
Ðu maws wuz yt.
Ðu maws wuz yt.

The mouse will eat.
Ðu maws wil yt.
Ðu maws wil yt.

The mouse is eating again.
Ðu maws ugen yt.
Ðu maws ugen yt.

The mouse will eat tomorrow.
Ðu maws wil tumöro yt.
Ðu maws wil tumöro yt.

The mouse eats quickly.
Ðu maws fast yt.
Ðu maws fast yt.

All the people shouted.
Evrytc ðu prsnz wuz cawt.
Evrytc ðu prsnz wuz cawt.

Some of the people shouted.
Sevrl ðu prsnz wuz cawt.
Sevrl ðu prsnz wuz cawt.

Many of the people shouted twice.
Meny ðu prsnz wuz kawnttw cawt.
Meny ðu prsnz wuz kawnttw cawt.

Happy people often shout.
Hapy prsnz öfn cawt.
Hapy prsnz öfn cawt.

The kitten jumped up.
Ðu (yuq) kat wuz up djump.
Ðu (yuq) kat wuz up djump.

The kitten jumped onto the table.
Ðu kat wuz djump ön tw ðu teybl.
Ðu kat wuz djump ön tw ðu teybl.

My little kitten walked away.
Muy lidl kat wuz wök uwey.
Muy lidl kat wuz wök uwey.

It's raining.
Hen reyn egzist.
Hen reyn egzist.

The rain came down.
Ðu reyn wuz dawn kum.
Ðu reyn wuz dawn kum.

The kitten is playing in the rain.
Ðu kat hen pley in ðu reyn.
Ðu kat hen pley in ðu reyn.

The rain has stopped.
Ðu reyn wuz iz stöpt.
Ðu reyn wuz iz stöpt.

Soon the rain will stop.
Ðu reyn wil swn iz stöpt.
Ðu reyn wil swn iz stöpt.

I hope the rain stops soon.
Uy wönt "ðu reyn swn iz stöpt".
Uy wönt "ðu reyn swn iz stöpt".

Once wild animals lived here.
Kreyzy animlz sumen her wuz uluyv.
Kreyzy animlz sumen her wuz uluyv.

Slowly she looked around.
Cy slo lwk nyr.
Cy slo lwk nyr.

Go away!
Plyz go uwey!
Plyz go uwey!

Let's go!
Plyz let "wy go"!
Plyz let "wy go"!

You should go.
Yw cwd "go".
Yw cwd "go".

I will be happy to go.
Uy wil iz hapy for goiq.
Uy wil iz hapy for goiq.

He will arrive soon.
Hy wil swn kum.
Hy wil swn kum.

The baby's ball has rolled away.
Ðu böl uv ðu beyby wuz iz spint uwey.
Ðu böl uv ðu beyby wuz iz spint uwey.

The two boys are working together.
Ðu kawnttw boyz tugeðr werk.
Ðu kawnttw boyz tugeðr werk.

This mist will probably clear away.
Hitc fög wil pröbibl go uwey.
Hitc fög wil pröbibl go uwey.

Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.
Nuys flawrz evryer iz grod
Nuys flawrz evryer iz grod

We should eat more slowly.
Wy cwd mor slo yt.
Wy cwd mor slo yt.

You have come too soon.
Yw wuz twmutc swn kum.
Yw wuz twmutc swn kum.

You must write more neatly.
Yw nyd mor klyr ruyt.
Yw nyd mor klyr ruyt.

Henry's dog is lost.
Ðu dög uv Henry iz lyzd.
Ðu dög uv Henry iz lyzd.

My cat is black.
Muy kat iz blak.
Muy kat iz blak.

The little girl's doll is broken.
Ðu döl uv ðu lidl grl iz brokt.
Ðu döl uv ðu lidl grl iz brokt.

I usually sleep soundly.
Uy kömn gwd slyp.
Uy kömn gwd slyp.

The children ran after Jack.
Ðu tcuyldz wuz run byhuynd Djak.
Ðu tcuyldz wuz run byhuynd Djak.

I can play after school.
Uy kan pley aftr skwl.
Uy kan pley aftr skwl.

We went to the village for a visit.
Wy wuz go tw ðu tawn for vizitiq.
Wy wuz go tw ðu tawn for vizitiq.

We arrived at the river.
Uy wuz kum tw ðu rivr.
Uy wuz kum tw ðu rivr.

I have been waiting for you.
Uy wuz hen weyt yw.
Uy wuz hen weyt yw.

The campers sat around the fire.
Ðu kamp prsnz wuz sit nyr ðu fuyr.
Ðu kamp prsnz wuz sit nyr ðu fuyr.

A little girl with a kitten sat near me.
U lidl grl wix u kat wuz sit nyr uy.
U lidl grl wix u kat wuz sit nyr uy.

The child waited at the door for her father.
Ðu tcuyld wuz weyt hr dad at ðu dwr.
Ðu tcuyld wuz weyt hr dad at ðu dwr.

Yesterday the oldest girl lost her kitten.
Ðu most old grl yestrdey wuz lwz hr kat.
Ðu most old grl yestrdey wuz lwz hr kat.

Were you born in this village?
Duz yw wuz iz bygetid in ðis tawn?
Duz yw wuz iz bygetid in ðis tawn?

Can your brother dance well?
Duz yer bruðr can gwd dants?
Duz yer bruðr can gwd dants?

Did the man leave?
Duz ðu man wuz lyv?
Duz ðu man wuz lyv?

Is your sister coming for you?
Duz yer sistr kum yw?
Duz yer sistr kum yw?

Can you come tomorrow?
Duz yw tumöro kan kum?
Duz yw tumöro kan kum?

Have the neighbors gone away for the winter?
Duz ðu neybrz wuz egzist uwey djeriq ðu wintr?
Duz ðu neybrz wuz egzist uwey djeriq ðu wintr?

Does the bird sing in the rain?
Duz ðu brd siq in ðu reyn?
Duz ðu brd siq in ðu reyn?

Are you going with us to the concert?
Duz yw wil go wix wy tw ðu könsrt?
Duz yw wil go wix wy tw ðu könsrt?

Have you ever travelled in the jungle?
Duz yw enyen wuz tcravl in ðu djuqgl?
Duz yw enyen wuz tcravl in ðu djuqgl?

Everybody knows about hunting.
Evrybudy no ubawt huntiq.
Evrybudy no ubawt huntiq.

Tom laughed at the monkey's tricks.
Töm wuz laf ðu tcriks uv ðu muqky.
Töm wuz laf ðu tcriks uv ðu muqky.

An old man with a walking stick stood beside the fence.
En old man wix u wökiq brantc wuz stand nyr ðu fents.
En old man wix u wökiq brantc wuz stand nyr ðu fents.

The squirrel's nest was hidden by leaves.
Ðu skwerl nest wuz huydid buy lyvz.
Ðu skwerl nest wuz huydid buy lyvz.

The little seeds waited patiently under the snow for the warm spring sun.
Ðu lidl sydz wuz peycnt weyt undr ðu sno ðu worm spriq sun.
Ðu lidl sydz wuz peycnt weyt undr ðu sno ðu worm spriq sun.

The cover of the basket fell to the floor.
Ðu kuvrer uv ðu baskit wuz iz djröpt tw ðu flor.
Ðu kuvrer uv ðu baskit wuz iz djröpt tw ðu flor.

The first boy in the line stopped at the entrance.
Ðu boy frst in ðu luyn wuz stöp self at ðu entcrents.
Ðu boy frst in ðu luyn wuz stöp self at ðu entcrents.

On the top of the hill in a little hut lived a wise old woman.
Ön ðu töp uv ðu hil in u lidl hut u smört old wumen wuz iz uluyv.
Ön ðu töp uv ðu hil in u lidl hut u smört old wumen wuz iz uluyv.

When will your guests from the city arrive?
Yer gests frum ðu sidy wen wil kum?
Yer gests frum ðu sidy wen wil kum?

The strong roots of the trees were torn from the ground.
Ðu stcröq rwts uv ðu tcryz wuz terd frum ðu grawnd.
Ðu stcröq rwts uv ðu tcryz wuz terd frum ðu grawnd.

The sun looked down through the branches upon the children at play.
Ðu sun wuz lwk dawn xrw ðu brantciz wi "ðu tcuyldz pley".
Ðu sun wuz lwk dawn xrw ðu brantciz wi "ðu tcuyldz pley".

The spool of thread rolled across the floor.
Ðu stcriq silindr wuz iz spint ukrös ðu flor.
Ðu stcriq silindr wuz iz spint ukrös ðu flor.

A box of growing plants stood in the Window.
U böks uv grod plants wuz stand in ðu windo.
U böks uv grod plants wuz stand in ðu windo.

I am very happy.
Uy iz very hapy.
Uy iz very hapy.

Sea water is salty.
Ocn wödr hav ulöt sölt.
Ocn wödr hav ulöt sölt.

The streets are full of people.
Ðu stcryts iz fl buy prsnz.
Ðu stcryts iz fl buy prsnz.

Sugar tastes sweet.
Teystid cwgr iz swyt.
Teystid cwgr iz swyt.

The fire feels hot.
Ðu fylt fuyr iz höt.
Ðu fylt fuyr iz höt.

The little girl seemed lonely.
Ðu lidl grl wuz sym lonly.
Ðu lidl grl wuz sym lonly.

I have lost my blanket.
Uy wuz lwz muy bleqkit.
Uy wuz lwz muy bleqkit.

A bird has built his nest in the apple tree.
U brd wuz bild hiz nest in ðu apl tcry.
U brd wuz bild hiz nest in ðu apl tcry.

At noon we ate our lunch by the road.
At nwn wy wuz yt awr luntc nyr ðu stcryt.
At nwn wy wuz yt awr luntc nyr ðu stcryt.

Their voices sound very happy.
Ðar hyrd voysiz iz very hapy.
Ðar hyrd voysiz iz very hapy.

Have all the leaves fallen from the tree?
Duz evrytc ðu lyfs wuz iz djröpt frum ðu tcry?
Duz evrytc ðu lyfs wuz iz djröpt frum ðu tcry?

Will you be ready on time?
Duz yw wil leyt iz redy?
Duz yw wil leyt iz redy?

Will you send this message for me?
Duz yw wil send ðis mesidj for uy?
Duz yw wil send ðis mesidj for uy?

Are you waiting for me?
Duz yw weyt uy?
Duz yw weyt uy?

Are these shoes too big for you?
Duz ðis cwz iz twmutc lördj for yw?
Duz ðis cwz iz twmutc lördj for yw?

How wide is the river?
Ðu rivr iz wimutc wuyd?
Ðu rivr iz wimutc wuyd?

Plyz lisn.
Plyz lisn.

Sit here by me.
Plyz her sit nyr uy.
Plyz her sit nyr uy.

Keep this secret until tomorrow.
Plyz kyp this sykrit until tumöro.
Plyz kyp this sykrit until tumöro.

Come with us.
Plyz kum wix wy.
Plyz kum wix wy.

Bring your friends with you.
Plyz briq yer frendz wix yw.
Plyz briq yer frendz wix yw.

Be careful.
Plyz iz kerfl.
Plyz iz kerfl.

Have some tea.
Plyz hav summutc ty.
Plyz hav summutc ty.

Pip and his dog were great friends.
Pip and hiz dög wuz iz gwd frendz.
Pip and hiz dög wuz iz gwd frendz.

John and Elizabeth are brother and sister.
Jön and elizibex iz bruðr and sistr.
Jön and elizibex iz bruðr and sistr.

You and I will go together.
Yw and uy wil tugeðr go.
Yw and uy wil tugeðr go.

They opened all the doors and windows.
Ðey opnd evrytc ðu dorz and windoz.
Ðey opnd evrytc ðu dorz and windoz.

He is small, but strong.
Hy iz lidl but stcröq.
Hy iz lidl but stcröq.

Does the sky look blue or gray?
Ðu skuy sym duz blu or grey?
Ðu skuy sym duz blu or grey?

Come with your father or mother.
Plyz kum wix yer dad or möm.
Plyz kum wix yer dad or möm.

I am tired, but very happy.
Uy iz tuyrd but very hapy.
Uy iz tuyrd but very hapy.

He played a tune on his wonderful flute.
Hy wuz meyk mywzik buy hiz gwd flwt.
Hy wuz meyk mywzik buy hiz gwd flwt.

A company of soldiers marched over the hill and across the meadow.
U grwp uv soldjrz wuz mörtc ovr ðu hil and ukrös ðu fyld.
U grwp uv soldjrz wuz mörtc ovr ðu hil and ukrös ðu fyld.

The first part of the story is very interesting.
Ðu frst pört uv ðu story very intcrest.
Ðu frst pört uv ðu story very intcrest.

The crow dropped some pebbles into the pitcher and raised the water to the brim.
Ðu kro wuz djröp sevrl peblz in tw ðu kunteynr and "lift ðu wödr tw ðu töp".
Ðu kro wuz djröp sevrl peblz in tw ðu kunteynr and "lift ðu wödr tw ðu töp".

The baby clapped and laughed in glee.
Ðu beyby wuz clap and "wuz laf" in hapynis.
Ðu beyby wuz clap and "wuz laf" in hapynis.

Stop your game and be quiet.
Plyz stöp yer geym and "iz kwuyit".
Plyz stöp yer geym and "iz kwuyit".

The sound of the drums grew louder and louder.
Ðu noyz uv ðu djrumz wuz bykum mor lawd and lawd.
Ðu noyz uv ðu djrumz wuz bykum mor lawd and lawd.

Do you like summer or winter better?
Yw mor endjoy duz sumr or wintr?
Yw mor endjoy duz sumr or wintr?

That boy will have a wonderful trip.
Ðatc boy wil hav u very gwd tcrip.
Ðatc boy wil hav u very gwd tcrip.

They popped corn, and then sat around the fire and ate it.
Ðey wuz pöp korn byfor "sit nyr ðu fuyr" and "yt it".
Ðey wuz pöp korn byfor "sit nyr ðu fuyr" and "yt it".

They won the first two games, but lost the last one.
Ðey wuz win ðu kawnttw frst geymz but "lwz ðu last geym".
Ðey wuz win ðu kawnttw frst geymz but "lwz ðu last geym".

Take this note, carry it to your mother; and wait for an answer.
Plyz teyk hitc not and "kery it tw yer mom" and "weyt en ansr".
Plyz teyk hitc not and "kery it tw yer mom" and "weyt en ansr".

I awoke early, dressed hastily, and went down to breakfast.
Uy wuz rly bykum uweyk and "heysty djres" and "dawn go tw brekfist".
Uy wuz rly bykum uweyk and "heysty djres" and "dawn go tw brekfist".

Aha! I have caught you!
Aha! Uy wuz ketc yw!
Aha! Uy wuz ketc yw!

This string is too short!
Hitc stcriq iz twmutc cort!
Hitc stcriq iz twmutc cort!

The wind has blown my hat away!
Ðu wind wuz blo muy hat uwey!
Ðu wind wuz blo muy hat uwey!

That news is sad indeed!
Ðatc nwz cr iz sad!
Ðatc nwz cr iz sad!

That cold wind freezes my nose!
Ðatc kold wind fryz muy noz!
Ðatc kold wind fryz muy noz!

Are you warm enough now?
Duz yw naw iz inuf worm?
Duz yw naw iz inuf worm?

They heard the warning too late.
Ðey wuz twmutc leyt hyr ðu wörning.
Ðey wuz twmutc leyt hyr ðu wörning.

We are a brave people, and love our country.
Wy iz u breyv prsnz and "luv awr land".
Wy iz u breyv prsnz and "luv awr land".

All the children came except Mary.
Evrytc ðu tcuyldz wuz kum eksept Mery.
Evrytc ðu tcuyldz wuz kum eksept Mery.

Jack seized a handful of pebbles and threw them into the lake.
Djak wuz get u fl hand uv peblz and "xro ðey in tw ðu leyk".
Djak wuz get u fl hand uv peblz and "xro ðey in tw ðu leyk".

Our bird's name is Jacko.
Ðu neym uv awr brd iz Djako.
Ðu neym uv awr brd iz Djako.

The river knows the way to the sea.
Ðu rivr no ðu pax tw ðu ocn.
Ðu rivr no ðu pax tw ðu ocn.

They looked cautiously about, but saw nothing dangerous.
Ðey wuz kerfl lwk nyr but "sy noxiq uv deyndjr".
Ðey wuz kerfl lwk nyr but "sy noxiq uv deyndjr".

The little house had three rooms, a sitting room, a bedroom, and a tiny kitchen.
Ðu lidl haws wuz hav xry rwmz and u sitiq rwm and u bed rwm and u very lidl kitcn.
Ðu lidl haws wuz hav xry rwmz and u sitiq rwm and u bed rwm and u very lidl kitcn.

We learn something new each day.
Wy lrn u nw xiq djeriq evry dey.
Wy lrn u nw xiq djeriq evry dey.

The market begins five minutes earlier this week.
Ðu mörkit iz rly bygind buy fuyv minits djeriq hitc wyk.
Ðu mörkit iz rly bygind buy fuyv minits djeriq hitc wyk.

Did you find the distance too great?
Duz yw wuz supoz "ðu distnts iz twmutc lördj"?
Duz yw wuz supoz "ðu distnts iz twmutc lördj"?

Hurry, children.
Plyz hury, chuyldz.
Plyz hury, chuyldz.

Here under this tree they gave their guests a splendid feast.
Undr hitc tcry they her wuz giv ðar gests u gwd lördj myl.
Undr hitc tcry they her wuz giv ðar gests u gwd lördj myl.

In winter I get up at night, and dress by yellow candlelight.
In wintr uy bykum uweyk djeriq nuyt and "djres buy yelo kandl luyt".
In wintr uy bykum uweyk djeriq nuyt and "djres buy yelo kandl luyt".

Tell the last part of that story again.
Plyz ugen sey ðu last pört uv ðatc story.
Plyz ugen sey ðu last pört uv ðatc story.

Be quick or you will be too late.
Plyz iz fast or "yw wil iz twmutc leyt".
Plyz iz fast or "yw wil iz twmutc leyt".

Will you go with us or wait here?
Duz yw wil go wix wy or "her weyt"?
Duz yw wil go wix wy or "her weyt"?

Think first and then act.
Plyz frst xiqk and "dw aftr".
Plyz frst xiqk and "dw aftr".

I stood, a little mite of a girl, upon a chair by the window, and watched the falling snowflakes.
Uy wuz stand, u grl luyk u lidl bug, ön u tcer nyr ðu windo, and "lwk ðu djröpt sno fleyks".
Uy wuz stand, u grl luyk u lidl bug, ön u tcer nyr ðu windo, and "lwk ðu djröpt sno fleyks".

Show the guests these shells, my son, and tell them their strange history.
Plyz co ðu gests hitc celz, muy familysun, and "sey tw ðey ðar öd histery".
Plyz co ðu gests hitc celz, muy familysun, and "sey tw ðey ðar öd histery".

Be satisfied with nothing but your best.
Plyz iz hapy wix noxiq eksept yer most gwd (dwiq).
Plyz iz hapy wix noxiq eksept yer most gwd (dwiq).

We consider them our faithful friends.
Wy supoz "ðey iz awr frendz for tcrustiq".
Wy supoz "ðey iz awr frendz for tcrustiq".

We will make this place our home.
Wy wil köz "hitc pleys iz awr hom".
Wy wil köz "hitc pleys iz awr hom".

The squirrels make their nests warm and snug with soft moss and leaves.
Ðu skwrlz köz "ðar nests iz worm and kumftrbl wix söft mös and lyfs".
Ðu skwrlz köz "ðar nests iz worm and kumftrbl wix söft mös and lyfs".

The little girl made the doll's dress herself.
Only ðu lidl grl meyd ðu klöxdjres uv ðu döl.
Only ðu lidl grl meyd ðu klöxdjres uv ðu döl.

I hurt myself.
Uy wuz hörm self.
Uy wuz hörm self.

She was talking to herself.
Cy wuz sey tw self.
Cy wuz sey tw self.

He proved himself trustworthy.
Hy wuz prwv self for tcrustiq.
Hy wuz prwv self for tcrustiq.

We could see ourselves in the water.
Wy wuz kan "sy self in ðu wödr".
Wy wuz kan "sy self in ðu wödr".

Do it yourself.
Plyz only yw dw it.
Plyz only yw dw it.

I feel ashamed of myself.
Uy fyl gilty ubawt self.
Uy fyl gilty ubawt self.

Sit here by yourself.
Plyz only yw her sit.
Plyz only yw her sit.

They wore red caps, the symbol of liberty.
Ðey wuz wer red hats, ðu simbl uv frynis.
Ðey wuz wer red hats, ðu simbl uv frynis.

With him as our protector, we fear no danger.
Bykuz "hy iz awr protektr", wy not fyr deyndjr.
Bykuz "hy iz awr protektr", wy not fyr deyndjr.

All her lace, ribbons, and feathers were packed away in a trunk.
Evrytc hr stcriq and ribnz and feðrz wuz iz pakt uwey in u tcruqk.
Evrytc hr stcriq and ribnz and feðrz wuz iz pakt uwey in u tcruqk.

He thought that she was light, like a feather.
Hy wuz supoz "cy wuz iz madrluyt luyk u feðr".
Hy wuz supoz "cy wuz iz madrluyt luyk u feðr".

Every spring and fall our cousins pay us a long visit.
Djeriq evrytc spriq and ödm awr kuzinz löq vizit wy.
Djeriq evrytc spriq and ödm awr kuzinz löq vizit wy.

The boy who brought the book has gone.
Hw "ðu boy wuz prtcis ðu bwk" wuz lyv.
Hw "ðu boy wuz prtcis ðu bwk" wuz lyv.

These are the flowers that you ordered.
Hixiq iz wim "yw wuz demand flawrz".
Hixiq iz wim "yw wuz demand flawrz".

I have lost the book that you gave me.
Uy wuz lwz wim "yw giv ðu bwk tw uy".
Uy wuz lwz wim "yw giv ðu bwk tw uy".

The fisherman who owned the boat now demanded payment.
Hw "ðu fic man wuz hav ðu bot" naw demand peyiq.
Hw "ðu fic man wuz hav ðu bot" naw demand peyiq.

Come when you are called.
Plyz kum aftr "yw iz köld".
Plyz kum aftr "yw iz köld".

I shall stay at home if it rains.
Uy wil stey at hom if "reyn egzist".
Uy wil stey at hom if "reyn egzist".

When he saw me, he stopped.
Aftr "hy wuz sy uy" hy stöp self.
Aftr "hy wuz sy uy" hy stöp self.

Do not laugh at me because I seem so absent minded.
Plyz nöt laf uy bykuz "uy sym wix nomutc breyn".
Plyz nöt laf uy bykuz "uy sym wix nomutc breyn".

I shall lend you the books that you need.
Uy wil lend tw yw wim "yw nyd ðu bwks".
Uy wil lend tw yw wim "yw nyd ðu bwks".

Come early next Monday if you can.
Plyz rly kum djeriq nekst Mundey if "yw kan".
Plyz rly kum djeriq nekst Mundey if "yw kan".

If you come early, wait in the hall.
If "yw rly kum" plyz weyt in ðu höl.
If "yw rly kum" plyz weyt in ðu höl.

I had a younger brother whose name was Antonio.
Uy wuz hav hw "mor yuq bruðr hav neym Antonyo".
Uy wuz hav hw "mor yuq bruðr hav neym Antonyo".

He is loved by everybody, because he has a gentle disposition.
Hy iz luvd buy evrybudy bycuz "hy hav djentl prsnalidy".
Hy iz luvd buy evrybudy bycuz "hy hav djentl prsnalidy".

Hold the horse while I run and get my cap.
Plyz hold ðu hors wuyl "uy run" and "get muy hat".
Plyz hold ðu hors wuyl "uy run" and "get muy hat".

I have found the ring I lost.
Uy wuz fuynd wim "uy lyz ðu riq".
Uy wuz fuynd wim "uy lyz ðu riq".

Play and I will sing.
Plyz pley and "uy wil siq".
Plyz pley and "uy wil siq".

That is the funniest story I ever heard.
Ðaxiq iz wim "uy wuz hyr ðu most funy story"
Ðaxiq iz wim "uy wuz hyr ðu most funy story"

She is taller than her brother.
Cy iz mor löq ðan hr bruðr.
Cy iz mor löq ðan hr bruðr.

They are no wiser than we.
Ðey iz nöt mor smört ðan wy.
Ðey iz nöt mor smört ðan wy.

Light travels faster than sound.
Luyt mor fast go ðan sawnd.
Luyt mor fast go ðan sawnd.

We have more time than they.
Wy hav mor tuym ðan ðey.
Wy hav mor tuym ðan ðey.

She has more friends than enemies.
Cy hav mor frendz ðan enemyz.
Cy hav mor frendz ðan enemyz.

When the wind blew, the traveler wrapped his mantle more closely around him.
Wuyl ðu wind wuz blo ðu tcravlr rapt hiz kloðz mor nyr self.
Wuyl ðu wind wuz blo ðu tcravlr rapt hiz kloðz mor nyr self.

I am sure that we can go.
Uy cr no "wy kan go".
Uy cr no "wy kan go".

We went back to the place where we saw the roses.
Wy wuz ugen go tw wim "in pleys wy sy ðu roziz".
Wy wuz ugen go tw wim "in pleys wy sy ðu roziz".

"This tree is fifty feet high," said the gardener.
Ðu gördn man wuz sey "hitc tcry löq iz fuyv zyro leqxfwts".
Ðu gördn man wuz sey "hitc tcry löq iz fuyv zyro leqxfwts".

I think that this train leaves five minutes earlier today.
Uy supoz "hitc treyn tudey mor rly lyv buy fuyv minits".
Uy supoz "hitc treyn tudey mor rly lyv buy fuyv minits".

Why he has left the city is a mystery.
Ðu ryzn uv "hy wuz lyv ðu sidy" iz u mistery.
Ðu ryzn uv "hy wuz lyv ðu sidy" iz u mistery.

The house stands where three roads meet.
Ðu haws stand at wim "in ðu pleys xry stcryts myt".
Ðu haws stand at wim "in ðu pleys xry stcryts myt".

He has far more money than brains.
Hy hav ulöt mor muny than breynz.
Hy hav ulöt mor muny than breynz.