B0j (N): object; item. B0l (N): ball; sphere. Bag (N): bag; purse. Bed (N): bed. Bok (N): block; rectangular prism; a solid geometric object. Bor (N): border; outline; frame. C0p (N): shop; store. Con (N): ocean; sea. D0g (N): dog. Drt (N): dirt; soil; ground. F0s (N): office. Flo (N): floor. Fon (N): phone; telephone. Frw (N): fruit. Fwl (N): fuel. Fyr (N): fire. Gos (N): ghost; spirit. Gr0 (N): grass. Her (N): hair; fur; wool. Hol (N): hole; pit. K0d (N): quality; trait. Klo (N): clothes; for wearing. Kul (N): color. Kup (N): cup; bucket; bowl. Leq (N): language. Lis (N): list. Lit (N): limit; constraint; the maximum permissible amount. Lum (N): lumber; wood. Met (N): material; substance. Mod (N): metal. Nam (N): animal; creature. Nec (N): nature; phenomena not made by man. Ner (N): energy. Not (N): note; a reminder for someone. P0k (N): project. Ped (N): party. Pin (N): pain; ache. R0k (N): rock; stone. Rad (N): order; permutation; organization. Rek (N): rectangle. Rel (N): rail; track; for holding or for trains. Sel (N): cell; part of an organism. Sib (N): sibling; brother; sister. Sim (N): symbol; letter; digit; character. Sot (N): science. Spw (N): space; void; gap; vacuum; the absence of anything. Srf (N); surface; skin. Str (N): star; sun. Suy (N): sign. Tco (N): chair; couch. Teb (N): table. Tor (N): tree. Veq (N): angle; degree measure; corner; joint; hinge. W0l (N): wall. Web (N): web; internet. Wid (N): window. Wor (N): war; battle; combat. Yol (N): oil. 9eq (V): to thank (for doing something). Bys (V): to bounce (something); cause to bounce; reflect; deflect. Crn (V): to earn (something); deserve; merit. J0r (V): to draw (an image). Kel (V): to collect (something); gather. Kry (V): to cry (speech); weep. Kuv (V): to cover (something); wrap. Kwt (V): to compute (a result); calculate. Mej (V): to measure (something). Ryc (V): to reach (for something). Sed (V): to send (something); submit. Ske (V): to scare; frighten. Spr (V): to spread (something); cause to spread. Tes (V): to test; experiment (with something). Tok (V): to check; inspect; see the status of something. Trp (V): to capture; trap. Tuc (V): to touch; make contact with. Weg (V): to wait (for something). Wer (V): to wear (an article). Blw (D): blue. Byd (D): beautiful/beautifully; pretty. Dun (D): done; finished; complete/completely. Fer (D): fair/fairly; just; right. Fl0 (D): flat; even; smooth. Gul (D): guilty; shameful; sorry. Gyn (D): green. Hev (D): heavy/heavily. Key (D): okay; decent/decently; acceptable. Lef (D): left; leftward; toward the left. Nys (D): nice; kind. P0p (D): popular; cool; famous. Prl (D): purple; violet. R0d (D): ready; prepared. Spe (D): special; original; unique. Srt (D): straight; extending or moving in one direction only; direct. V0l (D): already. Vel (D): available; accessible. Wod (D): wide. Xik (D): thick; large in the tertiary direction. Jek (P): except; not including. Lwf (P): to the left of; on the left side of. Ned (P): instead of; in the place of.