Bek (N): bacteria. Bre (N): bread; roll. Bud (N): butter. Bun (N): button; key; an input device which is pressed. Buz (N): buzz; hum; hiss. Byn (N): bean; legume. Cyp (N): sheep; lamb. D0l (N): dollar. Dof (N): dough. Dus (N): dust; powder. Fe9 (N): feather. Fig (N): flag. Fom (N): foam; sponge; cake. Fot (N): foot; a unit of length. Frn (N): furniture. Fro (N): friction. Gal (N): gallon. Gis (N): glasses; used to aid vision. Hat (N): hat. Hwk (N): hook. Jws (N): juice. Kap (N): capsule; pellet; pill; pod. Kaw (N): cow; cattle. Keb (N): wire; cable. Kip (N): clip; clamp; used for attaching things. Krn (N): corn. Lat (N): outlet (for electricity or another resource); spout; dispenser; faucet. Leb (N): label; tag. Lek (N): electricity. Ler (N): lever. Lok (N): lake; pond. M0l (N): mollusk; soft-bellied creature; snail; octopus; squid. Mag (N): magnet. Max (N): math; mathematics. Mit (N): mint. Muc (N): mushroom; fungus. Mul (N): mile. Mwl (N): mammal. Mwn (N): moon. N0b (N): knob; handle; for holding or for opening a door. Nap (N): napkin; tissue. Net (N): net; mesh. Nut (N): nut. P0s (N): pasta. Pan (N): pants. Pel (N): pencil. Pen (N): pen; for writing. Pig (N): pig. Pil (N): pillow; cushion. Poz (N): prize; reward; award; bonus. Put (N): potato. Pyt (N): pizza. R0x (N): arthropod; animal with exoskeleton; insect; crustacean; bug. Rin (N): ornament; decoration. Rob (N): rubber. Rug (N): rug; carpet; mat. Rus (N): rice. Rut (N): reptile. Ryn (N): rodent. S0k (N): sock. S0s (N): sauce. Sac (N): sandwich. Sal (N): salad. San (N): sand. Sek (N): ceramic; porcelain. Sen (N): sentence. Sil (N): cylinder. Slw (N): slope; incline; ramp. Sod (N): soda. Sop (N): soap. Swo (N): switch; for making and breaking a circuit. Swp (N): soup. Tc0 (N): chocolate. Tcy (N): cheese. Tec (N): texture; how something feels. Tis (N): taste; flavor. Toy (N): toy. Tum (N): tomato. Vak (N): axle; used in a hinge. Vwn (N): oven; stove; grill. Wyl (N): wheel. Ben (V): to bend (something); fold. Bl0 (V): to blast (something); cause to explode; detonate; pop; burst. Brc (V): to brush (hair); comb. Caw (V): to shower (a substance); spray. Dig (V): to dig (in something). Jus (V): to adjust (something). K0p (V): to copy (something); make one more; duplicate; multiply. Noy (V): to annoy (someone); be annoying to; irritate. Rub (V): to rub (a surface); drag on. Seb (V): to celebrate (something). Skr (V): to scratch; scrape. Tep (V): to taper (to a point); gradually become narrow until converging; be sharp toward. Vek (V): to excite (someone); make eager. Biz (D): busy/busily; preoccupied. Ble (D): blank; bare; bald. D0m (D): automatic/automatically; with no external intervention. Fyc (D): flashing; blinking; sparkling; glimmering. H0l (D): hollow; with an empty cavity. Krt (D): creative/creatively; innovative. Krv (D): curved; round. Kyt (D): cute; adorable. Pod (D): proud/proudly. Poy (D): polite/politely; civilized. Pwr (D): pure/purely. Saw (D): sour. Vet (D): vertical; parallel to gravity. Vis (D): viscous; thick; gooey. Ywl (D): useful; helpful.