Download Sputs adventure.swf (game movie + preview)

Use the arrow keys to move and look up/down, press A to jump, and S to shoot.

= PLOT =

    The plums recently elected their new leader, Penrod, who advertised himself as a good candidate. However, Penrod had militaristic intentions. He organized a plum army to invade their neighboring civilization, the trimens.

    The trimens are a fairly peaceful race, having a very small army with which they defend themselves. Hearing Penrod's plans, the trimen leader, Yoguro, knew that he had to protect his nation. He composed a peace treaty, and gave it to one of the skilled trimen soldiers, Sput, to deliver it to Penrod.

    Sput now has an adventure ahead of him. He must cross through hazardous creature filled terrains, enter the fortified plum state, and break into Penrod's domain.

This game is currently in the creation phase. Read the blog for current information.


Click here to see the Retroverse language.

Contact Doodlebug at esperantanaso@gmail.com
